VRA Reimagined. A New Form Of Visual Reinforcement Audiometry.
Test – Store – Reward – Review – Interact.
MedRx has integrated National Acoustic Laboratories technology and is now offering Visual Reinforcement Audiometry as an add-on to the new MedRx Studio Software. The VRA system takes a new approach to VRA testing. This system uses an iOS device to act as an audiometer and VRA controller. A clinician is able to adjust level, frequency, presentation ear, presentation and visual rewarding from the MedRx iVRA iOS app. Take advantage of four modes: conditioning, manual test, automatic test and video only. Change the way you VRA with the all new MedRx iVRA. A2D+ Audiometer, Stealth Audiometer and ARC compatible.
Key Features:
- iPod Audiometer Control
- iPod Video Reward Control
- Testing with One Clinician
- 52 Animated Videos (Default) can add custom videos too
- Any Size Monitor
- Wireless Monitor Communication (Optional)
- 4 Modes: Automatic Test, Manual Test, Conditioning or Video Only
- A2D+ Audiometer, Stealth Audiometer and ARC Compatible